Jay Shetty & Laura Lynne Jackson ON Knowing What Your Inner Voice Really Means
In this On Purpose episode, Jay Shetty welcomes Laura Lynne Jackson, a renowned psychic medium, author, and spiritual teacher known for bridging the physical and spiritual worlds. She has written The Light Between Us and Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe, guiding readers on connecting with the afterlife and harnessing psychic abilities.
In this On Purpose episode, Jay Shetty welcomes Laura Lynne Jackson, a renowned psychic medium, author, and spiritual teacher known for bridging the physical and spiritual worlds.
She has written The Light Between Us and Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe, guiding readers on connecting with the afterlife and harnessing psychic abilities.
Jackson shares personal stories and professional insights, emphasizing the importance of listening to your inner voice. She provides practical steps for cultivating this connection, such as meditation, reflective practices, and journaling.
Psychic vs. Medium – The Differences
Laura Lynne Jackson shared with Jay Shetty what her psychic and medium abilities mean. They are not the same - psychic skills help her get information simply by seeing others’ auras; it also allows her to visualize a timeline of significant life events and personal connections. She compared it to a historical map, filled with choices and interactions that altered its trajectory.
On the other hand, being a medium allows her to connect with the energies of departed people; she can receive messages and signals from beyond the physical realm. This process involves more receptivity - this information she receives on her right "mental screen,” while psychic data appears on the left.
Even if Jackson can read someone's aura instantly, she believes in ethical reading: she never intrudes on someone's aura without consent. However, for mediumship, she maintains strict boundaries and only activates this ability during reading, to protect herself from physical and energetic exhaustion.
Psychic Abilities in Everyone
Jackson discovered her abilities as a child. She shared with Jay Shetty how she sensed and interpreted auras from a young age and believed that everyone was able to do so. When she was 11, she had a premonition about her grandfather's imminent death, an event that marked an important turning point in the medium's life. However, after learning that her gift was a family trait, Jackson learned to embrace her abilities rather than fear them.
In her youth, Jackson wasn't entirely aware of the power her abilities held. It wasn't until she did a reading for a friend in college that she realized her potential to help others. This realization steered her towards a more respectful and purposeful use of her psychic insights.
She worked as a high school English teacher and volunteered for the Forever Family Foundation. There, she passed rigorous tests to assist people in grief. Through this volunteer work, her commitment to use her abilities ethically and helpfully deepened. She now also wishes to bridge a gap between the spiritual and scientific communities, because she sees a need for continued exploration and validation of psychic phenomena in academic settings.
The Signs Are in the Brain
Laura Lynne Jackson shared with Jay Shetty how scientific studies have helped her understand her psychic and mediumistic abilities. EEG scans showed that her brain functions differently, even at baseline levels. Although her brain was perfectly healthy, it resembled patterns seen in traumatic brain injury survivors.
When engaging in psychic and medium activities, different parts of Jackson's brain light up depending on the task - psychic readings activate areas associated with left-sided vision, while mediumship influences right-sided vision. Moreover, her brainwave patterns resembled those of meditating monks: unusually high activity yet significant reductions in the frontal lobe's activity, similar to a comatose-like state.
Jackson explained to Jay Shetty that she experiences unconditional love during her readings. However, she believes that we all are born with psychic abilities, but they become dormant once the logical and analytical part of the brain takes over. Therefore, she emphasized the importance of reconnecting with this type of intuition, which can appear in different forms: clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairsentience. These can manifest in various ways, from vivid dreams, unexpected auditory guidance, intuitive knowledge, and profound emotional responses to people and places.
Listening to the Voice
Laura Lynne Jackson explained that the inner voice guides us in personal and spiritual decision-making. Jay Shetty started to listen to his inner guidance when he was 14 - this led him to pursue a path more aligned with his true passions (art and philosophy), rather than the scientific path his parents had envisioned for him.
To Jackson, this inner voice is a form of clairaudience, a rare psychic ability. She noted that psychic abilities often become more accessible or pronounced during early adolescence, around ages 11 to 14. Those who acknowledge and nurture these abilities early on tend to retain and strengthen them throughout their lives.
Jay described his inner voice as calm yet firm, guiding him through major life decisions (such as joining and leaving a monastery), without needing external validation. He explains that this inner certainty has been a constant guide in his life; it helped him go against the mainstream with a clear sense of direction, even if, maybe, logically, it didn't make sense. Jackson explained to Jay Shetty that some people are destined to impact others all across the globe - she calls this a "global soul mission." She suggested that Jay's strong connection with his inner voice is a potential indicator of his global purpose. Moreover, the medium emphasizes humans' abilities to connect with what she called the "team of light," which includes divine sources, spirit guides, and loved ones who have passed. They use various methods to communicate, guide, and support us on our earthly journey - this way, we can be more aligned spiritually and act on our inner knowings.
Unlearning to Ignore Your Intuition
Jackson explained to Jay Shetty that many people learn to silence their inner voice growing up because learn family or societal norms don't always accept this idea. This disconnect may leave people feeling out of touch with their born intuitive abilities. Jay shared that listening to his intuition allowed him to follow his educational and spiritual path and join and later leave the monastery.
Jackson believes we all can reconnect to our inner voice - it's like rekindling a relationship with a long-lost friend. To reconnect, you need to have a strong intention. Jackson encourages the listeners to set an intention to reopen communication with their inner guide or "team of light," even if they don't quite understand what it entails yet. By expressing your willingness to reconnect with your intuition, you will be guided, and can become an instrument for love and healing.
A simple way to initiate this reconciliation is to practice meditation and surround yourself with positive energy. Jackson emphasized to Jay Shetty the power of belief in enhancing psychic abilities and your occurrence of synchronicities. You must overcome fear and trust your intuitive gifts to experience profound personal transformation. Moreover, Jackson believes that exchanging your story with others is valuable, as we are all connected.
Intuition vs Infatuation
Jay Shetty warns that sometimes, we mistake intuition for infatuation. We may think we have found "the one," only to realize that the feeling is only one-sided. Jackson explained that humans' primary purpose is to love and be loved, yet romantic love (especially the concept of soulmates) is complex. There are many so-called "soul contracts,” agreements with other souls to teach us lessons in this lifetime. The medium clarified that infatuation may signal a different connection than romantic - these connections may involve spiritual and karmic growth that both people are not ready to undertake at the same time.
Moreover, Jackson suggests to Jay Shetty that infatuation can serve as a guide, helping you identify qualities you admire and seek in partners. It can lead to deeper love or serve as a personal growth lesson. A shallow relationship may occur due to divine timing or because you need to grow more on a personal level.
Dating today is challenging due to the lack of connection, especially via dating apps. Jackson explained to Jay Shetty that failed relationships could be due to mismatched vibrational frequencies or necessary personal development. Therefore, she suggested the listeners to be patient and work on self-improvement during these times - if you elevate your vibration through gratitude, kindness and self-growth, you will attract partners who resonate with you.
To Jackson, unconditional love is the highest form of love - when you reach a certain evolution and growth, you will be able to cultivate fulfilling relationships and attain personal contentment. She encourages the listeners to trust in a greater plan, as every hurdle and event has a deeper meaning.
Seeking Peace
In Laura Lynne Jackson's opinion, peace in a relationship is undervalued. The society often glamorizes joy and excitement, and overlooks the profound stability and connection that peacefulness brings. Jay Shetty noted that infatuation comes with a rush of excitement, but it lacks tranquility. On the other hand, genuine peace may feel awkward or boring because we are conditioned to seek excitement in everything we do.
Peace is essential in all aspects of life, not only in relationships. Jackson explained to Jay Shetty that it is the foundation of a meaningful existence; it allows us to live in the present and deeply connect with ourselves and others. Peace also helps us differentiate between anxiety-driven impulses and true psychic insights. The latter brings a feeling of assurance rather than fear or restlessness.
The medium suggests journaling as a way to explore and enhance your sense of peace; she encourages the listeners to write down what brings them tranquility, to better understand themselves, and to prioritize these aspects in their lives. She told Jay Shetty that by embracing peace and practicing gratitude, we can cultivate a higher vibrational existence and attract similar energies into our lives.
Recognizing the Signs
Tangible signs are all around us, yet it takes attention to identify them. Jackson explained to Jay Shetty that signs have the power to deeply impact our lives. If you want to enhance your understanding of the world, the medium suggests exploring and acknowledging these signs. This way, you can connect with a broader spiritual network that allows you to enhance your understanding of being watched and guided by your team of light.
Jackson suggests to Jay Shetty that the material and the spiritual realms intertwine through signs and create a unique language that helps us navigate our paths. Both default signs and those manifested through intention can reaffirm our connections with loved ones who passed and reassure us that love continues beyond physical existence. When you intentionally ask for specific signs, you cultivate a more direct and meaningful interaction with your spiritual guides. The medium told Jay Shetty that engaging with this language of signs provides both comfort and understanding of our place in the vast, interconnected spiritual landscape.
Listen to the Voice Within
Recognizing and interpreting signs is a highly personal and unique process for each of us. Jackson encourages listeners to actively engage with these signs by setting intentions and directly asking for clarity from their spirit guides rather than seeking external validation from psychics. This way, they develop a personal language of signs that they will understand better over time through experience and introspection.
Laura Lynne Jackson explained to Jay Shetty the common confusion between signs and general anxiety - true spiritual signs come with a sense of peace and clarity, not fear or anxiety. It is essential to recognize the signs by the feeling of peace they bring and to trust your instinct. Moreover, she suggests being proactive and engaging openly with the spiritual world. You will soon learn from experience how to identify and interpret the signs in your own unique way.
Death Is Not the End
Working as a medium altered Jackson's perspective on grief and loss. She shared with Jay Shetty the realization that death is not the end, but a doorway to our true home, beyond the physical realm. She learned that the physical bodies are temporary vehicles for our souls, just like we use a car to get from one point to the other, and leave once we reach our destination. She is a firm believer that our consciousness continues to exist beyond our physical disappearance.
According to Jackson's understanding, death can only solidify relationships, as the departed person gains a broader understanding and perspective from their life reviews. They often return with apologies and newfound wisdom that was unattainable while embodied. The communication channels change from physical interaction to signs, but the core connection remains intact.
Jackson told Jay Shetty that it would be helpful if people changed their view on death. We can transform our grief into a more profound connection if we acknowledge that we are continuously guided and supported by our departed loved ones. The relationship doesn't end, it only transforms. When you change your perspective on death, you will be able to find comfort and reduce fear surrounding an inevitable death.
More From Jay Shetty
Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “Laura Lynne Jackson ON How to Know What Your Inner Voice Really Means & 4 Steps to Tap into Your Own Psychic Abilities” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at jayshetty.me.

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