Jay Shetty & Fat Joe ON Success After Hitting Rock Bottom
In this On Purpose episode, Jay Shetty sat with Fat Joe, a rapper and music industry executive who rose from the streets of the Bronx to achieve international stardom. Fat Joe shares the challenges he faced along the way, from the loss of loved ones to the pressures of projecting a tough image in the hip-hop world. Despite these struggles, he found comfort in the very genre that shaped him, using it as a way out of hardship.
In this On Purpose episode, Jay Shetty sat with Fat Joe, a rapper and music industry executive who rose from the streets of the Bronx to achieve international stardom.
Fat Joe shares the challenges he faced along the way, from the loss of loved ones to the pressures of projecting a tough image in the hip-hop world. Despite these struggles, he found comfort in the very genre that shaped him, using it as a way out of hardship.
Fat Joe also discusses the critical role of mental health and how therapy helped him navigate the depths of depression following personal tragedies. He opens up about the importance of balancing career and family and the value of staying true to yourself while giving back to the community.
Becoming a Bully
Fat Joe grew up in a tough hip-hop environment that demanded to be tough on the exterior. The hip-hop culture of his youth was unforgiving, with heavy stigmas against showing vulnerability, so he had to maintain appearances. He was a good storyteller with charisma and a vibrant personality, which he only now allows to shine publicly.
Joe also discusses with Jay Shetty his experiences with bullying, initially as a victim and later as a bully himself. Growing up in a predominantly black neighborhood, he faced challenges because of his appearance and background. However, despite being continuously bullied, Joe never considered giving up. He fought through, becoming tough. Yet hip-hop saved him and allowed his true self to surface.
Driven by Ambition
In his early years, Fat Joe was hustling - he was initially hired to intimidate and beat up others for payment. He told Jay Shetty he was never afraid of physical altercations, even though he was in constant danger. He grew up in the Bronx, which, according to him, looked like a war-devastated zone. Yet he always wanted more and to rise above his condition.
Joe shared with Jay Shetty how he did shady activities for the money, but they didn't make him feel like it was enough. He knew there was more in store for him. When he signed his record deal, his life changed completely, like the Cinderella story, as he joked. He was committed to succeeding in music and leaving the streets behind.
Staying Away from Drugs
Even though he wasn't hustling on the streets anymore, Fat Joe was pulled back by his survivor's guilt. He felt obligated to bring his entire community with him as he gained success. This was unsustainable, and it led multiple times to his financial ruin because he wasn't able to support as many people as he would have wanted to.
Fat Joe's half-brother stole millions of dollars from him, a devastating betrayal for the rapper. This event led to his other brother, Angel, falling into drug addiction and needing to go to rehab. He then slipped into a deep depression.
The rapper opened up to Jay Shetty about his loved ones struggling with addiction. His best friend is serving a 48-year prison sentence, and his close friend Scott Storch fell into drug addiction after a highly successful music career. Although he tried to help them, Fat Joe acknowledges the powerful grip of addiction. This is why the rapper avoided taking drugs himself because he saw the devastating effects they had on his loved ones. He highlighted to Jay Shetty the importance of staying grounded and making wise choices, especially when trying to escape a troubled past.
Losing Dear People
Fat Joe lost multiple people dear to him in a short period of time. His sister passed away due to complications during childbirth; she was his best friend and a stable source of support, and her death deeply affected him. Experiencing her in a coma for eight months was deeply painful for the rapper. He told Jay Shetty that while her passing relieved her from the suffering, her loss left a great void in Joe's life.
Artist Big Pun was another close friend of the rapper's, and he died just weeks after Joe's sister. Big Pun was not only a friend but also a major influence and partner in their shared journey to success. When he died, he was a similar age with Fat Joe - his passing was devastating for the rapper.
Fat Joe shared with Jay Shetty also the loss of his grandfather, whom he deeply respected and identified with. Losing so many dear people in the span of a few weeks plunged Joe into a deep depression; he struggled with dark thoughts and feelings of guilt, particularly around Big Pun's death. After two years of intense grief and self-reflection through therapy, he eventually emerged from this dark place. He learned to focus on living positively and keeping the memories of those he lost alive through his music and life.
Sharing his Learnings
Joe told Jay Shetty how important it is to be financially literate, especially for those who come into wealth suddenly, like many young artists and influencers today. He is open to giving advice when asked because he learned from his own mistakes with money in his early years. He now understands the importance of diversifying income and investing in businesses to ensure long-term financial security.
Another priority in the rapper's life is taking care of family. He had moments when he thought he wouldn't be able to care for his loved ones, and that thought scared him. For Joe, ensuring his family's security, especially his parents, is more important than his wealth or possessions.
Betrayed by Close Friends
Fat Joe shared with Jay Shetty the challenges of maintaining trust while dealing with repeated theft by those close to him, including friends, managers, and accountants. Despite these betrayals, Joe remains committed to staying true to his character and not allowing these negative experiences to change who he is. His wife often reminds him not to let others' actions turn him into someone he's not. To the rapper, it is important to break the cycle of negativity and focus on turning bad situations into positive outcomes.
Joe is driven by the desire to change his family's legacy, working hard to set an example for future generations. He wants his descendants to be inspired by his work ethic and determination and aims to elevate the family tree from its humble beginnings to new heights.
Joe shares with Jay Shetty his experience as a father to Joey, his son with Down syndrome and autism. He took on the responsibility of raising Joey as a single father after his mother considered giving him up for adoption. Joe's parents supported him a lot in raising Joey, a help for which the rapper is forever grateful. Joey, who Joe describes as their biggest blessing, is always happy and brings immense joy to the family.
Despite the challenges of raising a special needs child, Joe believes in accepting life's difficulties with a positive mindset. He credits his faith for helping him navigate these challenges, and he remains committed to providing Joey with a loving and supportive environment.
Fat Joe's Transformation
In the rapper's early career, hits like What's Love and Lean Back were created when his back was against the wall, and music was his only way out. He changed a lot throughout the years and explained to Jay Shetty that he is a different person now.
Despite looking tough on the outside, Joe has always been deeply rooted in his community, giving back long before social media made such efforts visible. His charitable work has included providing computers to schools, raising funds for Haiti, and helping those in need after natural disasters. He believes in giving back without seeking recognition or bragging.
Joe also told Jay Shetty about the challenges of maintaining authenticity in the hip-hop world, where beef and rivalries are common. He respects artists like J. Cole, who choose to step away from conflict and recognize the maturity in avoiding unnecessary battles. However, Joe acknowledges that hip-hop culture often demands a response when challenged.
In addition to his community work and music, Joe talks about his new business venture, a hair coloring product called Rewind. It aims to remove the stigma around men using hair dye. With celebrity endorsements and personal investment, Joe hopes to make the product widely accepted, helping men feel confident about maintaining their appearance as they age.
Choosing Life Every Day
Fat Joe lost considerable weight - his weight loss journey was largely motivated by the untimely deaths of his close friends, including Big Pun, who passed away from a heart attack at a young age. Witnessing dear people die young because of their weight was a wake-up call for Joe, who weighed 480 pounds at his heaviest. He understood that he might be next if he didn't make changes. This realization pushed him to adopt a healthier lifestyle, focusing on exercise and diet.
Joe describes to Jay Shetty how he transformed his habits, working out up to three times a day and learning to eat defensively. He became aware of how carbs turn into sugar in the body, which contributes to diabetes and other health issues. However, despite losing significant weight, Joe admits that he still sees himself as the same person, often joking that he remains "Fat Joe" in his mind.
More From Jay Shetty
Listen to the entire On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast episode on “Fat Joe ON How to Be Successful After Hitting Rock Bottom & Stop Letting Failures Define You” now in the iTunes store or on Spotify. For more inspirational stories and messages like this, check out Jay’s website at jayshetty.me.

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